Whenever our 2 year old makes an insane request (like wanting to go inside the TV) that could potentially quickly devolve into a tantrum if we refuse we call it a "spruce moose moment"
My fave is one episode -out of nowhere- Marge tells everyone to finish eating their sundaes as they are about to eat anything during the episodes. And they hate eating those sundaes. And she wonders what's wrong with her sundaes.
Also love that Marge's favourite food is buttered noodles.
I think in the same episode she asks the convict why he's in there? He replies saying he shot a guy named Apu. Marge then replies with "that's ok many people have shot Apu" "it's only a 100 dollar fine now" cracks me up every time
When the family tricks Homer's Las Vegas wife into marrying Grandpa Simpson and they honeymoon in Bart's treehouse. On waking up together, Grandpa asks leeringly if she wants to "give Honest Abe another term in the Oval Office." That they used Oval Office as a euphemism for vagina is so shockingly, wonderfully filthy.
A cherished runner-up: "Baby, I've devoted my life to diseases of the head holes."
Moe and the lie detector. "Sears catalogue" is already hall-of-fame funny, but the "I don't deserve this" coming up as a lie makes it comedy nirvana.
“Mattingly! I told you to trim those sideburns!”
Whenever our 2 year old makes an insane request (like wanting to go inside the TV) that could potentially quickly devolve into a tantrum if we refuse we call it a "spruce moose moment"
"We're all out of paperclips..."
My knob tastes funny. "Please refrain from tasting the knob"
Goodbye, cruel world! Ladies.
"I can't believe I ate the whole thing."
Well, it could've been a real ugly situation, but I managed to shoot him in the spine. Yeah, I guess the next place he robs better have a ramp.
My fave is one episode -out of nowhere- Marge tells everyone to finish eating their sundaes as they are about to eat anything during the episodes. And they hate eating those sundaes. And she wonders what's wrong with her sundaes.
Also love that Marge's favourite food is buttered noodles.
I think in the same episode she asks the convict why he's in there? He replies saying he shot a guy named Apu. Marge then replies with "that's ok many people have shot Apu" "it's only a 100 dollar fine now" cracks me up every time
Wait a minute… this isn’t the Monsterometer. It’s the Frog Exaggerater! Mmm-hoy…
'Marge Simpson, we've arrested your son. Marge Simpson, we've also arrested your older, balder, fatter son'
"I for one welcome our ant overlords" ... that Kent Brockman bit is so insane and good.
When the family tricks Homer's Las Vegas wife into marrying Grandpa Simpson and they honeymoon in Bart's treehouse. On waking up together, Grandpa asks leeringly if she wants to "give Honest Abe another term in the Oval Office." That they used Oval Office as a euphemism for vagina is so shockingly, wonderfully filthy.
A cherished runner-up: "Baby, I've devoted my life to diseases of the head holes."
I guess you could say he's barking up the wrong bush
No "I call the big one bitey"?
When the family goes to England, Lisa and Bart gorge on candy and fall sated and fat in a gutter.
Two rich brits in tuxes approach and one of them wagers the other that he could "my fair lady" the kids in to being well-mannered.
Enter Homer yelling that they can't bet on his kids while snatching them away
They turn to each other, ignoring the departure of the kids
"I love you lord daftwager"
"yes and I you"
Kissing* "Mmmm quite"
The name, the tense moment broken up by a sudden rush of unexpected passion. I love it all.